Resolving Inefficiencies/Issues Requires an Understanding of the Forces at Work
Firstly, every customer contact or user event (staff interaction with systems) can be explained through root cause analysis (a detailed version of current state). Once understood unnecessary contacts and can be systematically addressed and improved or removed.
Secondly, the contact centre delivers customer service through a series of processes. Reducing variation and removing waste from these processes improves quality and reduces costs of the end-to-end experience.
Process review follows the strategy and definition of the planned service experience. Our expertise is finding the inefficiencies in how your business conducts its business and fixing them.
We start with the facts, using our relational call tagging methodology, detailed process mapping, or building and combining your internal data sources. This quickly determines the bottlenecks and issues creating the largest inefficiencies and driving cost into your business. This methodology may be used to fix something broken or help drive innovation during the process of designing new and better solutions that are being introduced (i.e. it provides the base data for designing new technologies based on a better/more relevant future state).
From this approach we are able to quickly determine where the best investments can be made, extracting the maximum value from existing systems and human resources. Our goal is to make you more accurate and effective (timely, seamless, and lower costs) in delivering service to your customers.